Wednesday, January 9, 2013

How I Met My Husband

      Alice Munro juxtaposes the characters of Alice Kelling and Edie in multiple ways in her short story.  The reader sees their different appearances as it is presented to them through the eyes of Edie.  Edie claims there is a lack of youth in her appearance which Edie clearly must have considering her age.  Differences between the two characters can also be seen through their relationships with Chris Watters.  In her own mind, Edie feels she has a better insight into who Chris is and what he feels; this was highlighted by the fact that Chris Watters character is mainly referred to only by his first name (in Edie's speech and thoughts) while the rest of the characters are referred to by either solely last names or their full name (i.e. The character of Alice is referred to as Alice Kelling throughout the entirety of the short story.).  In the story's concluding paragraphs, Edie makes the contrast between Alice and herself evident.  "If there were women all through life waiting, and women busy and not waiting, I knew which I had to be.  Even though there might be things the second kind of women have to pass up and never know about, it still is better" (Munro, 146).  Alice Kelling has spent a considerable amount of time waiting for Chris to at least make a decision about their relationship.  She follows him to figure out whether he actually intends to marry her or if he will finally break it off with her.  She is the type of woman who waits.  Edie decides she cannot be this person and moves on with her life by marrying the mailman.

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